Why don't we show the price?

At Artizan Coffee, we believe in setting our own prices to ensure our customers receive the best value. However, some manufacturers have regulations regarding how these prices can be displayed. Due to our price being below the manufacturer's designated "minimum advertised price," we're unable to reveal it until certain actions are taken, such as adding the item to your cart or proceeding to the final checkout stage. The steps needed may vary based on the manufacturer's policy. By following these guidelines, Artizan Coffee can disclose our price to you, maintaining our commitment to offering competitive prices across our product range.

It's important to note that this process doesn't commit you to purchasing the product. You have the freedom to remove it from your cart if you choose not to proceed with the purchase.

We understand that this may be inconvenient, and we're actively engaging with manufacturers to find solutions that benefit our customers. We value your feedback and encourage you to share your comments and suggestions with us in our dedicated forum.