Organic Peru Grade 1 Peru - Fair Trade

New Arrival from Peru

NOVEMBER 20,2020

Farmers in Peru usually process their coffee on their own farms using the Fully washed method. Cherry is usually pulped, fermented and dried in the sun. Traditionally, smaller farmers would use tarps laid on the ground or under the roof of their homes. Increasingly, cooperatives are establishing centralized drying facilities – usually raised beds or drying sheds where members are encouraged to dry their parchment. Some farmers are beginning to adopt these practices on their own farms, and drying greenhouses and parabolic beds are becoming more common as farmers pivot towards specialty markets.

After drying, coffee will then be sold in parchment to the cooperative. Producers who are not members of a cooperative often have the opportunity to sell on to cooperatives, as well.  


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Peru

  • REGION I Jaen/Cajamarca

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Catimor, Caturra, Pache, Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Toffee, Creamy, Chocolate & A Mild Acidity

  • ALTITUDE |  1,200 to 1,600 meters above sea level

  • PROCESS | Fully washed

  • HARVEST | March - September

  • LOT | 1081

We proudly offer Grade 1 Peru Coffee Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Organic Peru - Lungo
Sale Price:$7.95 Original Price:$8.95


New Arrival from Indonesia

NOVEMBER 20,2020

Koperasi Baithul Qiradh Baburrayyan (KBQB) is a 1st grade Fairtrade organisation located across the Aceh Tengah and Bener Meriah districts in western Sumatra, Indonesia. The subtropical Sumatran highlands host ideal conditions for coffee production. This area is known for speciality ‘Gayo coffee’. KBQB was first founded as a savings and credit cooperative. The members had difficult lives, suffering from the armed conflict in the region and the impact of the devastating Tsunami in 2004. In 2006, the members emerged from this period with entrepreneurial spirit. The cooperative was supported by USAID Enterprise Development and Employment Generation Project and began producing coffee for export. It is well-established as one of the leading cooperatives in the country.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Indonesia

  • REGION I Sumatra, Indonesia

  • VARIETAL I Arabica: Catimor

  • TASTING NOTES I Pipe Tobacco, Brown sugar, Pine, Citrus

  • ALTITUDE |  1,000 – 2,500 M

  • PROCESS | Semi-washed

  • HARVEST | October – July

  • LOT | 1080

We proudly offer Sumatra GR 1 TP - KBQB (KOPERASI BAITHUL QIRADH BABURRAYYAN) WIH NAREH Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Organic Brazil - Ally Coffee Nossa Senhora De Fatima Fair Trade

New Arrival from Brazil

OCTOBER 12,2020

Located near the town of Persizes in the Minas Gerais region of Brazil, the Nossa Senhora de Fatima farm is owned by Ricardo de Aguiar Rezende and his wife Gisele. Both have a lifetime of agricultural experience and are third generation coffee producers, still living on the farm. They have dedicated themselves to the work of equally prioritizing environmental protection and preservation along with ensuring high quality and taste standards.

In addition to being a coffee producer, Ricardo is an also an agronomist and has invested in replanting native trees, fostering the growth of the native flora and fauna, and developing a reforestation program for shade trees. As a pioneer of organic development in Brazil, the Nossa Senhora de Fatima farm has been certified organic and contributes to economic, social, and environmental development and is committed to sustainable organic coffee production.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Brazil

  • REGION I Cerrado Mineiro

  • VARIETAL I Acaiá

  • TASTING NOTES I Caramel, Chocolate, Nuts

  • ALTITUDE |  950 meters

  • PROCESS | Natural

  • HARVEST | May-October

  • LOT | 1079

We proudly offer Ally Coffee Nossa Senhora De Fatima Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Intercontinental Coffee Trading Cherry AA Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from India


Cherry Robusta coffee from India is one of the world’s great Robustas. Most countries consider Robusta as the poor relation of the coffee family. However in India they apply the same care to the cultivation, harvest and processing of Robusta coffee as they do to Arabica. In fact, Robusta production in India is almost double that of Arabica. All high-quality, natural or dry-processed Robusta and Arabica coffees in India are known as Cherry. This is not to be confused with the cherry fruit on the coffee tree! Cherry A indicates it is one of the highest grades of Indian coffee.

Generally roasted robusta beans produce a strong, full-bodied coffee with a distinctive earthy flavour. There may be more bitterness than Arabica. However, some coffee drinkers love the powerful flavour for its strength and finish. Moreover, Cherry Robusta is important in traditional Italian coffee culture, especially for espresso blends. Some baristas also claim that Cherry Robusta gives a better foam or crema on the coffee.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | India

  • REGION I Kerala, India

  • VARIETAL I Robusta

  • TASTING NOTES I Strong earthy and woody notes, wild tasting, grassy sour acidity

  • ALTITUDE |  900 - 1650 meters

  • PROCESS | Full natural and dried in the sun and mechanical driers

  • HARVEST | December – March

  • LOT | 1078

We proudly offer Intercontinental Coffee Trading Cherry AA Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Mandheling Royal Select - Ihtiyeri Keti Ara Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Indonesia

JUNE 23,2020

This coffee comes from the Takengon region. While it is wet-hulled in the usual Sumatra style, the hulling is not done until the coffee reaches 30% moisture content generally in this region, where as most Sumatra is hulled at 45-50%. This gives it a cleaner cup and accentuates the spicy, bright notes while downplaying the earthiness typical to Mandheling coffees. It is processed at the Swiss Water decaf plant in Vancouver.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Indonesia

  • REGION I Sumatra

  • VARIETAL I Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Black Licorice, Cedar, Molasses

  • ALTITUDE |  1000 meters

  • PROCESS | Decaf, Patio Drying

  • HARVEST | August - June

  • LOT | 1076

We proudly offer Royal NY Mandheling Royal Select - Ihtiyeri Keti Ara Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Tolima Royal Select Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Columbia

JUNE 23,2020

Nasa We’sx is an indigenous community belonging to the Páez and Nasa tribes. The tribes were originally from southern Cauca and were brought to Planadas in the early 20th century by the Colombian army to work in gold mine.All of the members manage their coffee plantation under organic standards, standards they have practiced through generations. The farms are located in the mountains of Gaitania in South Tolima. Their years of experience has allowed them to perfect their cup profiles.



  • LOCATION | Columbia

  • REGION I Tolima, Colombia

  • VARIETAL I Castillo, Caturra, Colombia, Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Cherry, Chocolate & Orange

  • ALTITUDE |  1600 to 2050 meters

  • PROCESS | Fully Washed, Patio and solar dried machine

  • HARVEST | May - August

  • LOT | 1075

We proudly offer Royal NY Tolima Royal Select Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


COMSA - Royal Reserval Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Honduras

JUNE 23,2020

In the year 2000, 62 Honduran coffee farmers joined together with a common goal to transform their farms from conventional to organic production and formed COMSA (Cafe Organico Marcala, S.A). In 2001, fostered by a foundation called Funder, COMSA earned their organic certification from Bio Latina which has enabled them to market their coffee to more international buyers and realize better selling prices for their coffee. In February 2006, COMSA then applied for and was granted Fair Trade certification status. COMSA uses the Fair Trade price premium to fund many social projects including paying teachers’ salaries and purchasing school supplies. The premium also finances the construction of kitchens in the schools in support of the Merienda Escolar program that provides meals for school children. Royal Coffee New York is proud to support COMSA by purchasing their excellent quality, organic and Fair Trade certified coffee.



  • LOCATION | Honduras

  • REGION I La Paz, Honduras

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon,Typica,Catuai,Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Blackberry, Cocoa, Orange & Strawberry

  • ALTITUDE |  1220 to 1524 meters

  • PROCESS | Natural, Raised Beds

  • HARVEST | December - April

  • LOT | 1074

We proudly offer Royal NY COMSA - Royal Reserval Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Royal NY SHB Huehuetenango ASOBAGRI Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Guatemala

MAY 12,2020

ASOBAGRI, or the Association Barillense de Agricultores was founded in 1989 by 20 Mayan coffee and cardamom farmers. The members of ASOBAGRI are from approximately 30 small villages in the Huehuetenango region, surrounded by the Cuchumantanes mountains and the Maxbal Forest Reserve. This coffee is grown under guava, plantain, and banana trees. ASOBAGRI promotes sustainable agriculture by training its farmers in organic production methods, investment in infrastructure, and operating their own warehouses and drying patios.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Guatemala

  • REGION I Huehuetenango, Guatemala

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon,Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Brown Sugar, Milk Chocolate & Orange

  • ALTITUDE |  1650 to 1650 meters

  • PROCESS | Fully Washed, Patio and solar dried machine

  • HARVEST | December - May

  • LOT | 1073

We proudly offer Royal NY SHB Huehuetenango ASOBAGRI Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Timor Royal Select Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Timor

MAY 12,2020

The Cooperativa Cafe Timor (CCT) works with very small farms in East Timor; most land owners own less than a hectare of land. The CCT was established in 1994 with the help of the USDA and NCBA. and in 2001, the cooperative obtained Fair Trade certification. The farms are located in Maubesse, an area of high altitude and a sub-district in the Ainaro district; Atsabe, in the Ermera district; the Lequisa district; and the Aifu region. The coffee from East Timor was originally planted over 400 years ago by Portuguese colonists. However, after an epidemic of coffee leaf rust, the replanting of plants occurred and led to the creation of a new coffee varietal of Hibrido de Timor.



  • LOCATION | Timor

  • REGION I Timor

  • VARIETAL I Cauwery, Kents

  • TASTING NOTES I Baker’s Chocolate & Cedar

  • ALTITUDE |  1600 to 1600 meters

  • PROCESS | Decaf, Patio Drying

  • HARVEST | April - September

  • LOT | 1072

We proudly offer Royal NY Timor Royal Select Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Sidamo SHOYE Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Ethiopia

MAY 12,2020

The Sidama Coffee Farmers’ Cooperative Union (SCFCU) was founded in 2001 to represent coffee producing cooperatives located throughout the Sidama Zone of Southern Ethiopia. As of 2013, the SCFCU has grown to represent 46 cooperatives and 80,000 farmers, making the SCFCU the second largest coffee producing cooperative union in Ethiopia. The Organic Ethiopian Washed Sidamo Shoye FT is sourced from family-owned farms organized around the Shoye Cooperative located within the Dale district. It is produced from indigenous heirloom cultivars and exhibits notes of lemongrass and black tea.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Ethiopia

  • REGION I Floral aromatics with deep hints of wine and chocolate. Sweet citric undertones.

  • VARIETAL I Ethiopian Heirloom

  • TASTING NOTES I Black Tea, Peach & Tangerine

  • ALTITUDE |  1800 to 2000 meters

  • PROCESS | Fully Washed, Raised beds

  • HARVEST | September - December

  • LOT | 1071

We proudly offer Royal NY Sidamo SHOYE Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Sumatra GR 1 Coffee Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Indonesia

MAY 1,2020

This coffee comes from the North Sumatra province in Indonesia, one of the largest coffee-producing regions by volume on the island. Coffee here is usually wet-hulled, a processing method unique to Indonesia due to unpredictable rains during the drying season. Once pulped, coffee is dried to a certain moisture level before hulling. After that, the coffee is dried the rest of the way before being prepared for export. Small, family-owned farms are the norm here, though larger estates do exist.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Indonesia

  • REGION I North Sumatra

  • VARIETY | Catimor, Caturra, Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Black pepper, cedar, dark chocolate, very low acidity, lots of body and bold flavor

  • ALTITUDE |  1000 to 1600 meters

  • PROCESS | Wet Hulled

  • HARVEST | June - December

  • LOT | 1070

We proudly offer Sumatra GR 1 Coffee Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Indian Cherry AA Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from India

MAY 1,2020

Cherry Robusta coffee from India is one of the world’s great Robustas. Most countries consider Robusta as the poor relation of the coffee family. However in India they apply the same care to the cultivation, harvest and processing of Robusta coffee as they do to Arabica. In fact, Robusta production in India is almost double that of Arabica. All high-quality, natural or dry-processed Robusta and Arabica coffees in India are known as Cherry. This is not to be confused with the cherry fruit on the coffee tree! Cherry A indicates it is one of the highest grades of Indian coffee.

Generally roasted robusta beans produce a strong, full-bodied coffee with a distinctive earthy flavour. There may be more bitterness than Arabica. However, some coffee drinkers love the powerful flavour for its strength and finish. Moreover, Cherry Robusta is important in traditional Italian coffee culture, especially for espresso blends. Some baristas also claim that Cherry Robusta gives a better foam or crema on the coffee.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | India

  • REGION I Kerala, India

  • VARIETY | Robusta

  • TASTING NOTES I Almond, Caramel & Cherry

  • ALTITUDE | 900 - 1650 meters

  • PROCESS | Full natural and dried in the sun and mechanical driers

  • HARVEST | December – March

  • LOT | 1069

We proudly offer Indian Cherry AA Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Ally Coffee Nossa Senhora De Fatima Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Brazil

MAY 1, 2020

Located near the town of Persizes in the Minas Gerais region of Brazil, the Nossa Senhora de Fatima farm is owned by Ricardo de Aguiar Rezende and his wife Gisele. Both have a lifetime of agricultural experience and are third generation coffee producers, still living on the farm. They have dedicated themselves to the work of equally prioritizing environmental protection and preservation along with ensuring high quality and taste standards.

In addition to being a coffee producer, Ricardo is an also an agronomist and has invested in replanting native trees, fostering the growth of the native flora and fauna, and developing a reforestation program for shade trees. As a pioneer of organic development in Brazil, the Nossa Senhora de Fatima farm has been certified organic and contributes to economic, social, and environmental development and is committed to sustainable organic coffee production.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Brazil

  • REGION I Minas Gerais

  • VARIETY | Acaiá

  • TASTING NOTES I Caramel, Chocolate, Nuts

  • ALTITUDE |  950 meters

  • PROCESS | Natural

  • HARVEST | May-October

  • LOT | 1077

We proudly offer Ally Coffee Nossa Senhora De Fatima Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Tolima AGPROCEM Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Columbia

APRIL 3,2020

The Organic Colombia Tolima AGPROCEM coffee is sourced from family owned farms organized around the “Asociacion de Agricultores y Productores de Café Especial de Montalvo” (AGPROCEM). AGPROCEM is a producer association with 35 members who live in Montalvo which is located within the municipality of Planadas in the department of Tolima, Colombia. AGPROCEM was founded in 2013 by Edinson Vaquiro and Israel Montes who are coffee producers from Tolima. The association’s goal is to assist its members to improve quality while obtaining better prices for their specialty coffee.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Colombia

  • REGION I Tolima, Colombia

  • VARIETY | Colombia, Typica & Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Almond, Caramel & Cherry

  • ALTITUDE |  1650 to 2100 meters

  • PROCESS | Fully Washed, Patio and solar dried machine

  • HARVEST | April - August

  • LOT | 1068

We proudly offer Royal NY Tolima AGPROCEM Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Royal NY SHB El Cautivo Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Peru

APRIL 3,2020

The Cautivo Cooperative of Northern Peru is run by a group of organized farmers who have formed a legal association. The members of the co-op strive to improve the standard of living for all involved. They promote water management, environmental protection, and the production of organic materials, such as fertilizers. It’s through these sustainable practices that the Cautivo co-op has been able to achieve their organic certification.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Peru

  • REGION I Peru

  • VARIETY | Typica, Caturra, Bourbon, Catimor

  • TASTING NOTES I Almond & Baker’s Chocolate

  • ALTITUDE |  1400 to 1600 meters

  • PROCESS | Fully Washed, Patio and solar dried machine

  • HARVEST | May - June

  • LOT | 1067

We proudly offer Royal NY SHB El Cautivo Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Organic Peru - Lungo
Sale Price:$7.95 Original Price:$8.95

Ally Coffee Nossa Senhora De Fatima Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Brazil


Located near the town of Persizes in the Minas Gerais region of Brazil, the Nossa Senhora de Fatima farm is owned by Ricardo de Aguiar Rezende and his wife Gisele. Both have a lifetime of agricultural experience and are third generation coffee producers, still living on the farm. They have dedicated themselves to the work of equally prioritizing environmental protection and preservation along with ensuring high quality and taste standards.

In addition to being a coffee producer, Ricardo is an also an agronomist and has invested in replanting native trees, fostering the growth of the native flora and fauna, and developing a reforestation program for shade trees. As a pioneer of organic development in Brazil, the Nossa Senhora de Fatima farm has been certified organic and contributes to economic, social, and environmental development and is committed to sustainable organic coffee production.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Brazil

  • REGION I Minas Gerais

  • VARIETY | Acaiá

  • TASTING NOTES I Caramel, Chocolate, Nuts

  • ALTITUDE |  950 meters

  • PROCESS | Natural

  • HARVEST | May-October

  • LOT | 1065

We proudly offer Ally Coffee Nossa Senhora De Fatima Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Gayo Mandiri Sumatra Coffee Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Indonesia


Sumatra Mandheling G1 DP Gayo Mandiri comes to us from a group of 60 specialty coffee farms, averaging just 1 hectare in size, 1400 meters above sea level in the Bener Meriah region of Sumatra.  The cooperative, Gayo Mandiri, was founded in 2014 so that producer members could sell their specialty coffee directly and therefore get better training and education.  The cooperative is appropriately named Gayo Mandiri, meaning independent.  The finished coffee from Gayo Mandiri is well known for its complex body and fruity notes.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Brazil

  • REGION I Takengon/Gayo/Aceh, Sumatra

  • VARIETY | Bourbon

  • TASTING NOTES I Black Licorice, Cedar & Dark Chocolate

  • ALTITUDE |  1400 to 1400 meters

  • PROCESS | Wet Hulled, Patio Drying

  • HARVEST | October - January

  • LOT | 1066

We proudly offer Gayo Mandiri Sumatra Coffee Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

La Florida Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Peru

JANUARY 9,2020

In 1965, a group of 100 small-scale coffee farmers from the Chanchamayo region came together to establish the La Florida Cooperative. Today, the coop has grown to over two thousand farmers who work together to improve the quality of coffee La Florida produces. The revenue from their Fair Trade sales has brought education, infrastructure, credit, and environmental consciousness to this rural area. The coop has established The Occupational Learning Center for Sustainable Agriculture, which offers training in environmentally-friendly farming techniques, as well as providing healthcare services in rural areas, technical assistance in crop diversification to create additional income, maintenance of five roads, portable water systems, schools, a bridge, a health clinic, and they have purchased machinery and land to assist with coffee production. In 2005, La Florida won 6th place in Peru’s National Quality Competition.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Peru

  • REGION I Chanchamayo, Peru

  • VARIETY | Bourbon, Catimor, Typica,Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Caramel, Orange & Milk Chocolate

  • ALTITUDE |  915 to 1219 meters

  • PROCESS | Fully Washed, Patio sun dried

  • HARVEST | June - August

  • LOT | 1061

We proudly offer Royal NY La Florida Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Organic Peru - Lungo
Sale Price:$7.95 Original Price:$8.95

Royal Select Ethiopian Coffee Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Ethiopia

JANUARY 9,2020

Established in 1999, the Oromia Coffee Farmers’ Cooperative Union has quickly become the largest Fair Trade coffee producer in Ethiopia. The OCFCU was formed when 23,691 members of 35 small cooperatives came together with the goal of exporting their coffee directly to the specialty market. All six of their Oromia Highland Coffee varieties (Yirgacheffe, Sidamo, Limu, Lekemptl, Jima, & Harrar) are grown by indigenous farmers in the southwestern rainforests of Ethiopia. Oromia’s coffee is heirloom, forest-grown, and organic. In 2005, the cooperative was awarded first place for their unwashed coffee in the East African Fine Coffee Association cupping competition. Of the top ten qualifiers in the competition, three were Oromia members. Focusing on 100% organic production, Oromia produces approximately 70 containers annually and has over 7,000 members who are Fair Trade certified. Given the proud history of Ethiopian coffee, and the unique flavors and aromas of this cup, this Organic Ethiopian is sure to please even the most critical palate.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Ethiopia

  • REGION I Sidamo, Ethiopia

  • VARIETY | Ethiopian Heirloom

  • TASTING NOTES I Cherry, Milk Chocolate and Strawberry

  • ALTITUDE |  1500 to 2000 meters

  • PROCESS | Decaf, Raised Beds

  • HARVEST | November - January

  • LOT | 1064

We proudly offerRoyal Select Ethiopian Coffee Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Royal Select Columbian Coffee Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Columbia

JANUARY 9,2020

Colombia Royal Select Decaf comes from small family-owned farms in the Colombian “coffee triangle.” The main harvest is between October and January, and the “mitaca” harvest is between April and June. Small coffee producers pick and process their coffee at their own micro-wet mills and then dry their own coffee, typically on elevated tables inside solar dryers that provide protection from the rain.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Colombia

  • REGION I Castillo, Colombia

  • VARIETY | Castillo

  • TASTING NOTES I Caramel and Milk Chocolate

  • ALTITUDE |  1200 meters

  • PROCESS | Water Process Decaf

  • HARVEST | October - January

  • LOT | 1063

We proudly offer Royal Select Columbian Coffee Organic Fair Trade in the following products: