Guatemala Org SHB EP Fancy San Marcos Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Guatemala

FEBRUARY 16,2022

Entre Rios' is a farmer group in the region of La Libertad, San Marcos with strong beliefs and practices in sustainable organic farming. The majority of the members of this cooperative are refugees who fled to Mexico during the Guatemalan civil war. After the war they returned to the region of San Marcos and formed the community in La Libertad. Coffee cultivation was not a part of life in the community when it was first formed. However, through hard work and technical assistance from different entities, this community has now formed into an organic coffee cooperative.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Guatemala

  • REGION I San Marcos, Guatemala

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon,Catuai,Caturra,Sarchimor

  • TASTING NOTES I Brown Sugar, Meyer Lemon & Milk Chocolate

  • ALTITUDE | 1400 to 1700 meters

  • PROCESS |  Fully Washed, Patio and solar dried machine

  • HARVEST | November - February

  • LOT | 1128

We proudly offer Guatemala Org SHB EP Fancy San Marcos Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Indonesia FTO Sumatra GR1 DP Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Indonesia

FEBRUARY 16,2022

This wet-hulled coffee is grown by smallholders with an average of 1 hectare. Most farmers are members of cooperatives that support them in producing Organic and Fairtrade Organic (FTO) coffees. Gayo Highlands are named for the predominate ethnic group, the Gayo. In addition to Gayo, Acehnese, Javanese and Batak people also live in the highlands. The scenic Lake Laut Tawar is a popular destination. The land is surrounded by mountain peaks and is the only place in the world you can find a fish called depik.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Indonesia

  • REGION I Sumatra

  • VARIETAL I Abyssinia, Ateng, Gayo 1, Timtim

  • TASTING NOTES I Stone Fruit, Silky, Green Tea, Heavy Mouthfeel

  • ALTITUDE | 1,200 to 1,400 meters above sea level

  • PROCESS |  Wet Hulled

  • HARVEST | April-June

  • LOT | 1127

We proudly offer Indonesia FTO Sumatra GR1 DP Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Organic India Robusta Cherry AA - Fair Trade

New Arrival from India

FEBRUARY 16,2022

Cherry Robusta coffee from India is one of the world’s great Robustas. Most countries consider Robusta as the poor relation of the coffee family. However in India they apply the same care to the cultivation, harvest and processing of Robusta coffee as they do to Arabica. In fact, Robusta production in India is almost double that of Arabica. All high-quality, natural or dry-processed Robusta and Arabica coffees in India are known as Cherry. This is not to be confused with the cherry fruit on the coffee tree! Cherry A indicates it is one of the highest grades of Indian coffee.

Generally roasted robusta beans produce a strong, full-bodied coffee with a distinctive earthy flavour. There may be more bitterness than Arabica. However, some coffee drinkers love the powerful flavour for its strength and finish. Moreover, Cherry Robusta is important in traditional Italian coffee culture, especially for espresso blends. Some baristas also claim that Cherry Robusta gives a better foam or crema on the coffee.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | India

  • REGION I Kerala, India

  • VARIETY | Robusta

  • TASTING NOTES I Almond, Caramel & Cherry

  • ALTITUDE | 900 - 1650 meters

  • PROCESS | Full natural and dried in the sun and mechanical driers

  • HARVEST | December – March

  • LOT | 1126

We proudly offer India FTO Robusta Cherry AA Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Organic Ethiopia Natural Yirgacheffe GR3 Wochema Fair Trade (GP)

New Arrival from Ethiopia

JANUARY 24,2022

This coffee is sourced from family-owned farms organized around the Adado Cooperative located within the coffee region of Yirgacheffe in the Gedeo Zone in Ethiopia. The Adado Cooperative currently has 1,128 members. In 2002, the cooperative joined the Yirgacheffe Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union (YCFCU), an umbrella organization established in 2002 to support a sustainable coffee supply from cooperatives in the Gedeo ethnic region of Ethiopia. There are twenty-six other cooperatives affiliated with the YCFCU totaling more than 45,000 members.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Ethiopia

  • REGION I Yirgacheffe, Ethiopia

  • VARIETAL I Ethiopian Heirloom

  • TASTING NOTES I Floral, Plum, Strawberry

  • ALTITUDE | 1750 to 2350 meters

  • PROCESS | Natural, Raised Beds

  • HARVEST | October - December

  • LOT | 1125

We proudly offer Organic Ethiopia Natural Yirgacheffe GR3 Wochema Fair Trade in the following products:


Organic Rwanda Misozi Abakundakawa Natural Process Fair Trade (GP)

New Arrival from Rwanda

JANUARY 24,2022

Abakundakawa, meaning ‘those who love coffee’, is a established cooperative founded in 1999. Since then, they have made significant and lasting changes in the local community, including giving all members access to health insurance and providing them with cows every year since 2007. Abakundakawa is part of Misozi which is a certified export and marketing company. Misozi looks to establish long-term partnerships globally through coffee and certifications.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Africa

  • REGION I Rwanda

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon

  • TASTING NOTES I Cherry, Peach, Red Apple

  • ALTITUDE | 1600 to 1762 meters

  • PROCESS |  Fully Washed, Raised Beds

  • HARVEST | June - September

  • LOT | 1124

We proudly offer Organic Rwanda Misozi Abakundakawa Natural Process Fair Trade in the following products:


Organic Kenya Muiri Estate (GP)

New Arrival from Kenya

JANUARY 24,2022

The Muiri Estate was formed in 1976 and named for an African tree species called Pruners, or “Muiri” in the Kikuyu language. The Estate is well-developed, and consists of the farm itself, a wet mill, a large dam, storehouses, and cottages for its workers. Muiri has approximately 156,000 trees in production, most of which are SL28, SL34, or K7, with a about 35% being Ruiru 11. Several other species of trees have been planted, including eucalyptus, silver oak, and neem. Farm workers are housed in cottages on-site during the peak harvest period.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Africa

  • REGION I Kenya, Africa

  • VARIETAL I Kenya SL28,Kenya SL34,Ruiru 11

  • TASTING NOTES I Notes of lemon rind, sweet tea and plum - roasted at medium

  • ALTITUDE | 1530 meters

  • PROCESS |  Fully Washed / Drying - Raised Bed

  • HARVEST | June, (Export July)

  • LOT | 1123

We proudly offer Organic Kenya Muiri Estate in the following products:


Organic Colombia - Tolima AGPROCEM Fair Trade

New Arrival from Columbia

JANUARY 7,2022

The Organic Colombia Tolima AGPROCEM coffee is sourced from family owned farms organized around the “Asociacion de Agricultores y Productores de Café Especial de Montalvo” (AGPROCEM). AGPROCEM is a producer association with 35 members who live in Montalvo which is located within the municipality of Planadas in the department of Tolima, Colombia. AGPROCEM was founded in 2013 by Edinson Vaquiro and Israel Montes who are coffee producers from Tolima. The association’s goal is to assist its members to improve quality while obtaining better prices for their specialty coffee.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Colombia

  • REGION I Tolima, Colombia

  • VARIETY | Colombia, Typica & Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Almond, Caramel & Cherry

  • ALTITUDE |  1650 to 2100 meters

  • PROCESS | Fully Washed, Patio and solar dried machine

  • HARVEST | April - August

  • LOT | 1121

We proudly offer Royal NY Tolima AGPROCEM Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Peru Grade 1 El Palto Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Peru

JANUARY 7,2022

The Asociación de Productores Cafetaleros Juan Marco "El Palto" – in short, JUMARP – was founded in 2003 by José Carranza Barboza and 35 other smallholder farmers. The association was born out of a desire to develop a new, producer-focused model for growing and exporting coffee.

All 188 members produce certified organic and Fairtrade coffee. The cooperative invests the premiums received from these certifications in a number of important community projects, including crop renovations, a fund for education programs and the construction of schools.

We’re proud to support their carbon capture agroforestry project. Working with 3 other cooperatives and Café Selva Norte, JUMARP members use sustainable agroforestry techniques to protect the environment while improving coffee quality and yield.

Their ambitious quality improvement program launched in 2012 and was completed in 2021. Funded by Fairtrade and Organic premiums as well as through government funding and member contributions, the program helped successfully raise general overall cup scores to 83-84. To achieve this, they built drying houses, manual pulpers and fermentation tanks at all member farms and helped members plant higher quality varieties.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Peru

  • REGION I El Palto

  • VARIETAL I Catimor, Caturra, Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I ripe raspberries and a medley of fresh fruit with thick dark chocolate undertones

  • ALTITUDE | 1,300 to 1,800 metres above sea level

  • PROCESS |  Fully washed

  • HARVEST | March - September

  • LOT | 1120

We proudly offer Peru Organic Coffee in the following products:


Fazenda Bela Época Organic Coffee

New Arrival from Brazil

JANUARY 7,2022

Fazenda Bela Época has been growing coffee for more than 80 years across three generations of producers passionate about coffee growing. The production process is harmonious, passing through selective harvest and post-harvest stages, with discerning selection of beans and carefully managed drying.

Luís Cláudio Cunha, along with his brother, André Luís, and their sister Silvia, inherited the family business from their attentive father, Luís da Cunha Sobrinho. With the goal of producing quality coffee, the family is undertaking new projects where the selection of varieties incorporates sensory evaluation of the final beverage. They prioritize post-harvest processing, which includes Washed, Natural, Pulped Natural and mechanical drying.

The passion for coffee agriculture has become their greatest motivation in growing the family’s coffee fields, that along with leaving a legacy for the next generation to continue. 370 hectares of the farm’s total 470 are planted with coffee.

Fazenda Bela Época is located in Ribeirão Corrente, São Paulo state, and the farm prioritizes environmental responsibility, producing coffee without contaminating the landscape and while preserving natural resources and ecosystems. The family’s commitment to social equity and sustainability puts people first and demonstrates the future they wish to create for Brazilian coffee.

Located in the northeastern region of the São Paulo state along the border with Minas Gerais, the region has elevations between 900 and 1,000 meters above sea level and an average annual temperature of 21 degrees Celsius. The gently rolling land, rich soil, the fresh water of the Rio Grande, and higher elevations make it a region well suited to coffee production.

Much of Alta Mogiana’s crops are grown on small family-owned farms, which are supported by established local infrastructure and easy access to new technologies. Skilled labor and reliable roads further facilitate the transport of the region’s coffee production.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Brazil

  • REGION I Alta Mogiana

  • VARIETAL I Yellow Obatã

  • TASTING NOTES I Bittersweet Chocolate, Almond, Cherry

  • ALTITUDE | 0 - 1000 meters

  • PROCESS |  Natural

  • HARVEST | June–August

  • LOT | 1119

We proudly offer Fazenda Bela Época Organic Coffee in the following products:


Bener Meriah Gayo Mandheling Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from Indonesia

NOVEMBER 16,2021

This lot has a familiar place each year at Royal that you might not recognize. That’s because the ASKOGO cooperative has taken on a new name this year. Now the cooperative is called Gayo Arabika Mahkota Indonesia (GARMINDO).  But everything else about this coffee continues to be exactly what you have come to expect from the Bener Meriah regency of the Aceh province, a growing region acclaimed among coffee experts for its cup profiles and classic Indoniasian style of coffee cultivation and processing. The cooperative has more than 500 members with farms that average less than 3 acres in size. Producers belong to the Gayonese ethnic group and maintain a traditional village lifestyle. A large percentage of the producers are women who rely on coffee income to support their families. Each producer carefully sorts their harvested cherries before depulping and fermenting overnight with personal micro-mills. Then the coffee is washed and laid out on patios to shed the excess water from the parchment covered beans. Next the coffee takes a detour from the conventional path of processing in other origins, wherein, the coffee parchment is removed while the coffee still has a high moisture content. This wet-hulling process, called Giling Basah in the Indonesian language, leaves the coffee bean exposed while drying on patios to a moisture percentage acceptable for export. This Indonesian processing method gives the bean its unique bluish hue and the hallmark Indonesian profile. With Indonesian coffees, half the battle is overcoming logistical challenges like rugged roads and unpredictable torrents of rain. Garmindo takes on an important role of organizing local warehouses and transportation so farmers can overcome these challenges. Garmindo also collaborates with PT. Sumatera Arabika Gayo (SAG), which operates its own dry-mill in Aceh to swiftly bring the coffee to the international market, ensuring greater earnings for producers.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Indonesia

  • REGION I Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh District, Sumatra, Indonesia

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Caturra, Catimor, Lini, Tim Tim, and Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Roasted hatch chile, molasses, sandalwood

  • ALTITUDE | 1200 – 1500 masl

  • PROCESS |  Wet hulled and dried in the sun

  • HARVEST | March -July | October- January

  • LOT | 1118

We proudly offer Sumatra Indonesia Coffee Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Organic Huehuetenango Guatemalan Coffee Fair Trade

New Arrival from Guatemala

SEPTEMBER 24, 2021

The Guatemala Huehuetenango EP coffee is prepared for export using a standard called European Preparation (EP), meaning the coffee is hand sorted until there are no more than 8 defects per 300 grams of green coffee. This Guatemalan coffee is sourced from different farms within the region of Huehuetenango and it is known for its clean and bright acidity.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Guatemala

  • REGION I Huehuetenango

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Almond, Milk Chocolate & Orange

  • ALTITUDE | 1624 to 1830 meters

  • PROCESS |  Fully Washed, Mechanical Dryer

  • HARVEST | December - May

  • LOT | 1116

We proudly offer Huehuetenango Guatemalan Coffee Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Organic Brazil Fazenda Bela Época Coffee

New Arrival from Brazil


Fazenda Bela Época has been growing coffee for more than 80 years across three generations of producers passionate about coffee growing. The production process is harmonious, passing through selective harvest and post-harvest stages, with discerning selection of beans and carefully managed drying.

Luís Cláudio Cunha, along with his brother, André Luís, and their sister Silvia, inherited the family business from their attentive father, Luís da Cunha Sobrinho. With the goal of producing quality coffee, the family is undertaking new projects where the selection of varieties incorporates sensory evaluation of the final beverage. They prioritize post-harvest processing, which includes Washed, Natural, Pulped Natural and mechanical drying.

The passion for coffee agriculture has become their greatest motivation in growing the family’s coffee fields, that along with leaving a legacy for the next generation to continue. 370 hectares of the farm’s total 470 are planted with coffee.

Fazenda Bela Época is located in Ribeirão Corrente, São Paulo state, and the farm prioritizes environmental responsibility, producing coffee without contaminating the landscape and while preserving natural resources and ecosystems. The family’s commitment to social equity and sustainability puts people first and demonstrates the future they wish to create for Brazilian coffee.

Located in the northeastern region of the São Paulo state along the border with Minas Gerais, the region has elevations between 900 and 1,000 meters above sea level and an average annual temperature of 21 degrees Celsius. The gently rolling land, rich soil, the fresh water of the Rio Grande, and higher elevations make it a region well suited to coffee production.

Much of Alta Mogiana’s crops are grown on small family-owned farms, which are supported by established local infrastructure and easy access to new technologies. Skilled labor and reliable roads further facilitate the transport of the region’s coffee production.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Brazil

  • REGION I Alta Mogiana

  • VARIETAL I Yellow Obatã

  • TASTING NOTES I Bittersweet Chocolate, Almond, Cherry

  • ALTITUDE | 0 - 1000 meters

  • PROCESS |  Natural

  • HARVEST | June–August

  • LOT | 1115

We proudly offer Fazenda Bela Época Organic Coffee in the following products:


Organic Sumatra Swiss Water Decaf Fair Trade

Organic Sumatra Swiss Water Decaf Fair Trade

Our latest arrival is an Organic Fair Trade Swiss Water Processed decaffeinated coffee from Sumatra, Indonesia. The Swiss Water® Process uses pure green coffee extract and proprietary carbon technology to remove caffeine from green coffee beans. The Swiss Water® Process is certified organic and 100% chemical-free. In addition, they are also certified Kosher by the Kosher Overseers Association.

Organic Colombia Santander Kachalu - Fair Trade

New Arrival from Columbia


Cultivated in the mountainous Andes blanketed with natural forest, it's no surprise that the Colombia Organic Kachalu has been recognized by the Rainforest Alliance Awards for the last 4 years as one of their top five certified coffees. Kachalu is a tight-knit group with 110 producers cultivating coffee on farms that average 25 acres in size. Small enough for each producer in the group to manage their own micro-mill where meticulous care in cherry selection, depulping, fermenting, and drying coffee takes place.

The Kachalu group is very experience, having worked directly with the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia (FNC) for more than two decades to gain better access to technical support for best agricultural practices. In addition to marketing coffee internationally, the FNC provides producers with financing, training, and technical assistance to improve coffee quality. The FNC also strives to improve the quality of life for coffee producers and their families through projects promoting income diversification and education.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Columbia

  • REGION I Santander, Colombia

  • VARIETAL I Caturra, Castillo, Colombia and Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Almond, Milk Chocolate & Orange

  • ALTITUDE | 1000 – 2000 masl

  • PROCESS |  Fully washed and dried inside solar dryers that provide protection from the rain

  • HARVEST | October- December

  • LOT | 1113

We proudly offer Royal NY Santander Kachalu Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Organic Tanzania Kaderes Peasants - Fair Trade

New Arrival from Tanzania


Kaderes Peasants Development PLC (KPD) is a coffee cooperative located in Karagwe, Kagera formed to support Robusta farmers in region. Established in January 2008 by the Karagwe Development and Relief Services (KADERES), an NGO based in the region, KPD has grown from 34 members at their founding to over 4,000. Their meteoric growth is testament to ptheir success in opening new markets for their member’s high-quality, FTO Robusta.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Tanzania

  • REGION I Kagera

  • VARIETAL I Robusta

  • TASTING NOTES I Marshmallow, bittersweet chocolate, honey graham cracker

  • ALTITUDE | 1,150 meters above sea level

  • PROCESS |  Natural

  • HARVEST | May - November

  • LOT | 1109

We proudly offer Kaderes Peasants Tanzania Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Organic Huehuetenango Guatemalan Coffee - Fair Trade

New Arrival from Guatemala


The Guatemala Huehuetenango EP coffee is prepared for export using a standard called European Preparation (EP), meaning the coffee is hand sorted until there are no more than 8 defects per 300 grams of green coffee. This Guatemalan coffee is sourced from different farms within the region of Huehuetenango and it is known for its clean and bright acidity.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Guatemala

  • REGION I Huehuetenango

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Almond, Milk Chocolate & Orange

  • ALTITUDE | 1624 to 1830 meters

  • PROCESS |  Fully Washed, Mechanical Dryer

  • HARVEST | December - May

  • LOT | 1111

We proudly offer Huehuetenango Guatemalan Coffee Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Organic Mexico Decaf Chiapas Royal Select MWP - Fair Trade

New Arrival from Mexico


Decaffeinated with a clean and chemical-free Mountain Water Process, this organic coffee from Mexico offers complex savory and sweet notes that are both nuanced and easily crowd-pleasing. With low acidity with an above-average body, this all-around decaf is our new favorite. We feature this coffee in our Decaf Lungo Mexico Single Origin Capsules for Nespresso Original machines.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Mexico

  • REGION I Chiapas, Mexico, Central America

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Caturra, Mundo Novo, Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Red Apple, Caramel, Brown Sugar

  • ALTITUDE | 900 to 1500 meters

  • PROCESS |  Mountain Water Process

  • LOT | 1110

We proudly offer Organic Decaf Mexico Chiapas Royal Select MWP - Fair Trade in the following products: