Organic Ethiopia Natural Sidamo Grade 4 Fair Trade Orimia

New Arrival from Ethiopia

JUNE 3,2023

Established in 1999, the Oromia Coffee Farmers Cooperative Union has quickly become the largest Fair Trade coffee producer in Ethiopia. The OCFCU was formed when 23,691 members of 35 small cooperatives came together with the goal of exporting their coffee directly to the specialty market. All six of their Oromia Highland Coffee varieties (Yirgacheffe, Sidamo, Limu, Lekemptl, Jima, & Harrar) are grown by indigenous farmers in the southwestern rainforests of Ethiopia. Oromia’s coffee is heirloom, forest-grown, & organic. In 2005, the cooperative was awarded first place for their unwashed coffee in the East African Fine Coffee Association cupping competition. Of the top ten qualifiers in the competition, three were Oromia members. Focusing on 100% organic production, Oromia produces approximately 70 containers annually and has over 7,000 members who are Fair Trade certified. Given the proud history of Ethiopian coffee, and the unique flavors and aromas of this cup, this Organic Ethiopian is sure to please even the most critical palate.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Ethiopia

  • REGION I Sidamo

  • VARIETAL I Ethiopian Heirloom

  • TASTING NOTES I Cherry, Dark Chocolate, Orange

  • ALTITUDE | 1500 to 2000 meters

  • PROCESS | Natural, Raised Beds

  • HARVEST | September - December

  • LOT | 1163

We proudly offer Organic Ethiopia Natural Sidamo GR4 in the following products:


Organic Brazil Natural Fazenda Dutra Scr 15+ (GP)

New Arrival from Brazil

JUNE 3,2023

Minas Gerais is the largest of the three major Brazilian growing regions with six micro-regions, which account for 50 percent of Brazil’s production. From this volume of coffee, we landed on a special treat traceable to a single estate in the Matas de Minas region, which is known for its rolling hills and uneven terrain lending to farms that are small to medium in size. Dutra Family started planting coffee in the region over 50 years ago and has grown the estate to nearly 2,500 acres with 10 distinct farms where coffee cherry from 3 million coffee trees is harvested by hand by more than 600 seasonal workers. While this estate seems big, it is actually relatively small to medium by Brazilian standards, which has allowed the Dutra family to focus on specialty grade, fully traceable lots for direct trade relationships. But we don’t want to downplay the big things happening at Fazenda Dutra, which includes a passion for sustainability. Solar energy is big at this fazenda where all of the depulpers run on solar power and the mechanical dryers are next on the agenda for this clean energy conversion. The estate also boasts near 750 acres of native forest to protect water sources and create natural barriers to protect the coffee trees from wind and erosion. The Dutra family also takes their role as employer very seriously with big investments in a school located at the estate and a health care program for employees and their families.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Brazil

  • REGION I Brazil

  • VARIETAL I Catuai, Mundo Novo

  • TASTING NOTES I Dark Chocolate, Walnut & Dried Fruit

  • ALTITUDE | 600 to 1300 meters

  • PROCESS |  Natural, Patio Drying

  • HARVEST | June - September

  • LOT | 1162

We proudly offer Organic Brazil Natural Fazenda Dutra Scr 15+ (GP) in the following products:


Organic Brazil Natural Fazenda Dutra Scr 15+ (GP)

New Arrival from Brazil

JUNE 3,2023

Minas Gerais is the largest of the three major Brazilian growing regions with six micro-regions, which account for 50 percent of Brazil’s production. From this volume of coffee, we landed on a special treat traceable to a single estate in the Matas de Minas region, which is known for its rolling hills and uneven terrain lending to farms that are small to medium in size. Dutra Family started planting coffee in the region over 50 years ago and has grown the estate to nearly 2,500 acres with 10 distinct farms where coffee cherry from 3 million coffee trees is harvested by hand by more than 600 seasonal workers. While this estate seems big, it is actually relatively small to medium by Brazilian standards, which has allowed the Dutra family to focus on specialty grade, fully traceable lots for direct trade relationships. But we don’t want to downplay the big things happening at Fazenda Dutra, which includes a passion for sustainability. Solar energy is big at this fazenda where all of the depulpers run on solar power and the mechanical dryers are next on the agenda for this clean energy conversion. The estate also boasts near 750 acres of native forest to protect water sources and create natural barriers to protect the coffee trees from wind and erosion. The Dutra family also takes their role as employer very seriously with big investments in a school located at the estate and a health care program for employees and their families.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Brazil

  • REGION I Brazil

  • VARIETAL I Catuai, Mundo Novo

  • TASTING NOTES I Dark Chocolate, Walnut & Dried Fruit

  • ALTITUDE | 600 to 1300 meters

  • PROCESS |  Natural, Patio Drying

  • HARVEST | June - September

  • LOT | 1161

We proudly offer Organic Brazil Natural Fazenda Dutra Scr 15+ (GP) in the following products:


Organic Peru Decaf SWP

New Arrival from Peru

JUNE 2, 2023

Cooperativa de Servicios Multiples Sol y Café Ltda (Coop Sol y Café) was established in March of 2008 to unite over 1,000 farmers, including rice and cacao producers. The coop was originally formed to collectively make agronomic and economic decisions and expanded their goals to include protecting the environment and helping communities and their families to develop and progress. They continue to work towards the sustainability of their crops and development for the future by maintaining the Organic and Fair Trade certifications.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Peru

  • REGION I Peru

  • VARIETAL I Catimor,Catuai,Pache,Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Creamy dark chocolate & Cashew

  • ALTITUDE | 900 to 2000 meters

  • PROCESS |  Decaf, Patio and solar dried machine

  • HARVEST | May - November

  • LOT | 1160

We proudly offer Peru Organic Coffee in the following products:


Organic Guatemala SHB EP Asproguate

New Arrival from Guatemala

MAY 12, 2023

GUATEMALA ORGANIC ASPROGUATE SHB EP is sourced from family owned farms organized around Asociación Sostenible de Productores de Guatemala (ASPROGUATE), located within the municipality of San Pedro Carchá in the department of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. There are 42 members of ASPROGUATE in the community of Seacal who produce coffee on farms that average 5 acres in size. ASPROGUATE provides technical assistance for organic certification and the production of high quality coffee. Members of the community are currently using coffee premiums to build a three room preschool in Seacal.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Guatemala

  • REGION I Cobán, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Cooked plum, roasted nut, cocoa powder

  • ALTITUDE | 1260 meters

  • PROCESS |  Fully washed and dried in the sun

  • HARVEST | November - April

  • LOT | 1159

We proudly offer Guatemala Org SHB EP Fancy San Marcos Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Organic Brazil Natural Fazenda Dutra Scr 15+ (GP)

New Arrival from Brazil

MARCH 22, 2023

Minas Gerais is the largest of the three major Brazilian growing regions with six micro-regions, which account for 50 percent of Brazil’s production. From this volume of coffee, we landed on a special treat traceable to a single estate in the Matas de Minas region, which is known for its rolling hills and uneven terrain lending to farms that are small to medium in size. Dutra Family started planting coffee in the region over 50 years ago and has grown the estate to nearly 2,500 acres with 10 distinct farms where coffee cherry from 3 million coffee trees is harvested by hand by more than 600 seasonal workers. While this estate seems big, it is actually relatively small to medium by Brazilian standards, which has allowed the Dutra family to focus on specialty grade, fully traceable lots for direct trade relationships. But we don’t want to downplay the big things happening at Fazenda Dutra, which includes a passion for sustainability. Solar energy is big at this fazenda where all of the depulpers run on solar power and the mechanical dryers are next on the agenda for this clean energy conversion. The estate also boasts near 750 acres of native forest to protect water sources and create natural barriers to protect the coffee trees from wind and erosion. The Dutra family also takes their role as employer very seriously with big investments in a school located at the estate and a health care program for employees and their families.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Brazil

  • REGION I Brazil

  • VARIETAL I Catuai, Mundo Novo

  • TASTING NOTES I Dark Chocolate, Walnut & Dried Fruit

  • ALTITUDE | 600 to 1300 meters

  • PROCESS |  Natural, Patio Drying

  • HARVEST | June - September

  • LOT | 1158

We proudly offer Organic Brazil Natural Fazenda Dutra Scr 15+ (GP) in the following products:


Organic Peru Decaf SWP

New Arrival from Peru

MARCH 2, 2023

Cooperativa de Servicios Multiples Sol y Café Ltda (Coop Sol y Café) was established in March of 2008 to unite over 1,000 farmers, including rice and cacao producers. The coop was originally formed to collectively make agronomic and economic decisions and expanded their goals to include protecting the environment and helping communities and their families to develop and progress. They continue to work towards the sustainability of their crops and development for the future by maintaining the Organic and Fair Trade certifications.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Peru

  • REGION I Peru

  • VARIETAL I Catimor, Catuai, Pache, Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Creamy dark chocolate & Cashew

  • ALTITUDE | 900 to 2000 meters

  • PROCESS |  Decaf, Patio and solar dried machine

  • HARVEST | May - November

  • LOT | 1157

We proudly offer Peru Organic Coffee in the following products:


Organic India Robusta Cherry AA

New Arrival from India

MARCH 2, 2023

Cherry Robusta coffee from India is one of the world’s great Robustas. Most countries consider Robusta as the poor relation of the coffee family. However in India they apply the same care to the cultivation, harvest and processing of Robusta coffee as they do to Arabica. In fact, Robusta production in India is almost double that of Arabica. All high-quality, natural or dry-processed Robusta and Arabica coffees in India are known as Cherry. This is not to be confused with the cherry fruit on the coffee tree! Cherry A indicates it is one of the highest grades of Indian coffee.

Generally roasted robusta beans produce a strong, full-bodied coffee with a distinctive earthy flavour. There may be more bitterness than Arabica. However, some coffee drinkers love the powerful flavour for its strength and finish. Moreover, Cherry Robusta is important in traditional Italian coffee culture, especially for espresso blends. Some baristas also claim that Cherry Robusta gives a better foam or crema on the coffee.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | India

  • REGION I Wayanad, Kerala, India

  • VARIETY | Robusta

  • TASTING NOTES I Almond, Caramel & Cherry

  • ALTITUDE | 900 - 1650 meters

  • PROCESS | Full natural and dried in the sun and mechanical driers

  • HARVEST | December – March

  • LOT | 1156

    We proudly offer Cherry AA Robusta India Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Organic Nicaragua Decaf - Segovia Royal Select SWP

New Arrival from Nicaragua

FEBRUARY 13, 2023

DECAF NICARAGUA FT-FLO/USA ORGANIC SEGOVIA ROYAL SELECT SWISS WATER PROCESS is curated from lots that the Royal team has selected based on cup profile, physical preparation, and potential to express excellently once decaffeinated.  During the Swiss Water process, the green coffee is hydrated to expand the beans for caffeine extraction. The hydrated green coffee is then introduced to Green Coffee Extract (GCE), a unique solution of concentrated coffee soluble that allows the caffeine to leave the green coffee via osmosis while minimizing the loss of desired flavor compounds. Once the caffeine has been removed the green coffee is re-dried and re-bagged for transport, and the GCE is filtered of its caffeine through proprietary carbon filters and recycled to be used again.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Nicaragua

  • REGION I Estelí, Madriz, and Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua

  • VARIETAL I Catuai, Caturra, Bourbon, and Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Cinnamon, vanilla cream, chocolate

  • ALTITUDE | 1250 – 1800 masl

  • PROCESS | Fully washed and dried in the sun

  • HARVEST | October-March

  • LOT | 1154

We proudly offer Decaf Nicaragua FT Organic SEGOVIA ROYAL SELECT SWISS WATER PROCESS in the following products:


Organic Honduras Decaf - COMSA Royal Select Swiss Water Process

New Arrival from Honduras

FEBRUARY 13,2023

DECAF HONDURAS FT ORGANIC ROYAL SELECT SWISS WATER PROCESS coffee is curated from lots that the Royal team has selected based on cup profile, physical preparation, and potential to express excellently once decaffeinated.  During the Swiss Water process, the green coffee is hydrated to expand the beans for caffeine extraction. The hydrated green coffee is then introduced to Green Coffee Extract (GCE), a unique solution of concentrated coffee soluble that allows the caffeine to leave the green coffee via osmosis while minimizing the loss of desired flavor compounds. Once the caffeine has been removed the green coffee is re-dried and re-bagged for transport, and the GCE is filtered of its caffeine through proprietary carbon filters and recycled to be used again.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Honduras

  • REGION I Copán, Honduras

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra, Ihcafe-90, Lempira, and Parainema

  • TASTING NOTES I Apple juice, cocoa powder, clean

  • ALTITUDE |  1200 – 1700 masl

  • PROCESS | Fully washed and dried in the sun

  • HARVEST | November - March

  • LOT | 1153

We proudly offer RDecaf Honduras FT Organic COMSA Royal Select Swiss Water Process in the following products:


Organic Sumatra Aceh Ketiara FAIR TRADE

New Arrival from Indonesia


The Koperasi Pedagang Kopi Ketiara is a women-run cooperative that has over 890 grower-members. The Ketiara Cooperative was started in 2008 by Ibu Rahmah, the current chairwoman, who had operated and managed her family’s coffee business for 20 years-purchasing cherries, processing the green, and selling to local traders. The passion and commitment of the women managers to have all members working together in support of coffee production has enabled Ketiara to expand and become an important supplier to larger coffee traders in Medan, the capital of North Sumatra. The cooperative members voted to become Organic and Fair Trade certified in 2012, making a commitment to use these proceeds to create programs for health, education, and public infrastructure projects that will benefit all coop members.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Indonesia

  • REGION I Takengon/Gayo/Aceh, Sumatra

  • VARIETAL I Adsenia,Bourbon,Typica,Ateng

  • TASTING NOTES I Notes of bakers chocolate, cedar, vanilla and molasses - roasted at full medium

  • ALTITUDE | 1220 to 1524 meters

  • PROCESS |  Wet Hulled, Patio sun dried

  • HARVEST | October - August

  • LOT | 1152

We proudly offer Aceh Ketiara Sumatra Indonesia Coffee Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Organic Colombia Tolima Del Rio-Fair Trade (GP)

New Arrival from Columbia

FEBRUARY 9, 2023

This coffee is sourced from family-owned farms organized around ASOTBILBAO, a producer association with 50 members who live in Bilbao within the municipality of Planadas. Members of the association are graduates of Servicio Nacional de Aprendizaje SENA. SENA is a non-governmental educational institution that provides social and technical education to its participants. ASOTBILBAO strives to improve the quality of coffee by initiating technical support to guide coffee farmers on the best agricultural practices for quality coffee production.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Columbia

  • REGION I Tolima

  • VARIETAL I Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Cherry, Milk Chocolate & Orange

  • ALTITUDE | 1450 to 1500 meters

  • PROCESS | Fully Washed, Patio Drying

  • HARVEST | May - December

  • LOT | 1151

We proudly offer Organic Colombia Tolima Del Rio-Fair Trade (GP) in the following products:


Organic Brazil Natural Fazenda Dutra Scr 15+ (GP)

New Arrival from Brazil

JANUARY 11,2023

Minas Gerais is the largest of the three major Brazilian growing regions with six micro-regions, which account for 50 percent of Brazil’s production. From this volume of coffee, we landed on a special treat traceable to a single estate in the Matas de Minas region, which is known for its rolling hills and uneven terrain lending to farms that are small to medium in size. Dutra Family started planting coffee in the region over 50 years ago and has grown the estate to nearly 2,500 acres with 10 distinct farms where coffee cherry from 3 million coffee trees is harvested by hand by more than 600 seasonal workers. While this estate seems big, it is actually relatively small to medium by Brazilian standards, which has allowed the Dutra family to focus on specialty grade, fully traceable lots for direct trade relationships. But we don’t want to downplay the big things happening at Fazenda Dutra, which includes a passion for sustainability. Solar energy is big at this fazenda where all of the depulpers run on solar power and the mechanical dryers are next on the agenda for this clean energy conversion. The estate also boasts near 750 acres of native forest to protect water sources and create natural barriers to protect the coffee trees from wind and erosion. The Dutra family also takes their role as employer very seriously with big investments in a school located at the estate and a health care program for employees and their families.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Brazil

  • REGION I Brazil

  • VARIETAL I Catuai, Mundo Novo

  • TASTING NOTES I Dark Chocolate, Walnut & Dried Fruit

  • ALTITUDE | 600 to 1300 meters

  • PROCESS |  Natural, Patio Drying

  • HARVEST | June - September

  • LOT | 1150

We proudly offer Organic Brazil Natural Fazenda Dutra Scr 15+ (GP) in the following products:


Organic Guatemala SHB EP Asproguate (Chameleon)

New Arrival from Guatemala


GUATEMALA ORGANIC ASPROGUATE SHB EP is sourced from family owned farms organized around Asociación Sostenible de Productores de Guatemala (ASPROGUATE), located within the municipality of San Pedro Carchá in the department of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. There are 42 members of ASPROGUATE in the community of Seacal who produce coffee on farms that average 5 acres in size. ASPROGUATE provides technical assistance for organic certification and the production of high quality coffee. Members of the community are currently using coffee premiums to build a three room preschool in Seacal.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Guatemala

  • REGION I Cobán, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Cooked plum, roasted nut, cocoa powder

  • ALTITUDE | 1260 meters

  • PROCESS |  Fully washed and dried in the sun

  • HARVEST | November - April

  • LOT | 1148

We proudly offer Guatemala Org SHB EP Fancy San Marcos Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Cherry AA Robusta Indian Coffee Organic Fair Trade

New Arrival from India


Cherry Robusta coffee from India is one of the world’s great Robustas. Most countries consider Robusta as the poor relation of the coffee family. However in India they apply the same care to the cultivation, harvest and processing of Robusta coffee as they do to Arabica. In fact, Robusta production in India is almost double that of Arabica. All high-quality, natural or dry-processed Robusta and Arabica coffees in India are known as Cherry. This is not to be confused with the cherry fruit on the coffee tree! Cherry A indicates it is one of the highest grades of Indian coffee.

Generally roasted robusta beans produce a strong, full-bodied coffee with a distinctive earthy flavour. There may be more bitterness than Arabica. However, some coffee drinkers love the powerful flavour for its strength and finish. Moreover, Cherry Robusta is important in traditional Italian coffee culture, especially for espresso blends. Some baristas also claim that Cherry Robusta gives a better foam or crema on the coffee.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | India

  • REGION I Kerala, India

  • VARIETY | Robusta

  • TASTING NOTES I Almond, Caramel & Cherry

  • ALTITUDE |  900 - 1650 meters

  • PROCESS | Full natural and dried in the sun and mechanical driers

  • HARVEST | December – March

  • LOT | 1147

We proudly offer Cherry AA Robusta India Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Organic Peru Decaf SWP

New Arrival from Peru


Our Fair Trade Organic Peru Decaf is produced by the small farm holders in Peru’s Cajamarca province and decaffeinated using the Swiss Water Process (SWP) at the Swiss Water facility in British Columbia. The region has an excellent sub-tropical climate, fertile soil and a mild rainy season that make it well suited for arabica production.

Decaffeinated coffees are notoriously difficult to roast due to their unique cell structure, composition and moisture content as a result of the decaf process. Roasters should be mindful to closely regulate drum temperatures as all decaf coffees, including our Fair Trade Organic Peru Decaf have the tendency to develop significantly faster than non-decaf coffees.

The Swiss Water Process is a patented, eco-friendly, chemical-free process that removes 99.9% of the caffeine from a lot of green coffee. Each lot of decaf is immersed in clean water to extract the caffeine through osmosis and passed through activated carbon-charcoal to remove the caffeine molecules.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Peru

  • REGION I Peru

  • VARIETAL I Catimor, Caturra, Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Creamy dark chocolate & Cashew

  • ALTITUDE | 31200 - 1800 meters

  • PROCESS | Washed

  • HARVEST | July - November

  • LOT | 1146

We proudly offer Peru Organic Coffee in the following products:


Guatemala Org SHB EP Asproguate (Chameleon)

New Arrival from Guatemala


GUATEMALA ORGANIC ASPROGUATE SHB EP is sourced from family owned farms organized around Asociación Sostenible de Productores de Guatemala (ASPROGUATE), located within the municipality of San Pedro Carchá in the department of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. There are 42 members of ASPROGUATE in the community of Seacal who produce coffee on farms that average 5 acres in size. ASPROGUATE provides technical assistance for organic certification and the production of high quality coffee. Members of the community are currently using coffee premiums to build a three room preschool in Seacal.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Guatemala

  • REGION I Cobán, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Cooked plum, roasted nut, cocoa powder

  • ALTITUDE | 1260 meters

  • PROCESS |  Fully washed and dried in the sun

  • HARVEST | November - April

  • LOT | 1145

We proudly offer Guatemala Org SHB EP Fancy San Marcos Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Indonesia Org Sumatra GR1 TP

New Arrival from Indonesia


Indonesia Sumatra Decaf is harvested by local smallholder farmers growing the Catimor and Typica coffee plants. These variants have earthy flavors along with hints of almond, chocolate, and lemongrass to create a full-bodied coffee with low acidity. Indonesia Sumatra Decaf coffee beans are chemical and additive free, processed with the only the purest water sources. The coffee cherries are wet hulled and sun dried to create a full-bodied coffee with low acidity. The Swiss Water Process is a chemical free decaffeination method which uses only the purest hot water in British Colombia to soak green coffee beans, dissolving the caffeine. The water is then filtered, removing 99.9% of the caffeine without diminishing the flavor of the beans, creating a light, smooth brew.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Indonesia

  • REGION I Aceh, North Sumatra

  • VARIETAL I Ateng, Gayo 1, Timtim


  • ALTITUDE | 1,200 to 1,600 meters above sea level

  • PROCESS |  Wet Hulled

  • HARVEST | April-June

  • LOT | 1144

We proudly offer Indonesia Organic Sumatra in the following products: