Tanzania Organic Robusta

New Arrival from Tanzania


Our latest arrival is an organic, fair trade robusta sourced from the Kaderes Peasants Development PLC (KPD) coffee cooperative located in the Karagwe district in the Kagera region of Tanzania. We taste toasted marshmallows, bittersweet chocolate, and honey graham cracker. This coffee has a very heavy body and is AMAZING for iced coffee and espresso.  Enjoy the extra caffeine buzz as well.

This is an AB grade Fair Trade Organic certified Robusta coffee from Tanzania. Grown in the highlands of Bukoba in Western Tanzania, bordering Lake Victoria, this Robusta coffee is grown by smallholder farmers with an average of 2.3 acres each. Most farmers intercrop with other staple food crops, providing good shade for the coffee. The mix of coffee, bananas, beans, maize and fruit trees ensure a bio diversity, and in addition to plants providing shade and good compost material, legumes like beans function as a binder for nitrogen.

Offering support to farmers in the community, the KADERES (Karagwe Development and Relief Service) program assists farmers in improving harvesting methods, as well as offering microcredits for farmers.

Kaderes Peasants Development PLC (KPD) is a coffee cooperative located in Karagwe, Kagera formed to support Robusta farmers in the region. Established in January 2008 by the Karagwe Development and Relief Services (KADERES), an NGO based in the region, KPD has grown from 34 members at their founding to over 4,000. Their meteoric growth is a testament to their success in opening new markets for their members' high-quality, FTO Robusta.

Since farmers process cherry on their own farms, processing methods can vary. However, all cherry is handpicked, sorted, and then laid to dry, typically on raised beds. KPD collects the dried cherries and transports them to the dry mill to be prepared for export. By collecting the dried cherry directly, KPD increases the final price farmers receive for their crops.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Tanzania

  • REGION I Karagwe

  • VARIETAL I Robusta

  • TASTING NOTES I marshmallow, bittersweet chocolate, honey graham cracker

  • ALTITUDE |  1,150 meters above sea level

  • PROCESS | Natural

  • HARVEST | May - November

  • LOT | 1193

We proudly offer Tanzania Organic Robusta in the following products:


Organic Brazil Natural Fazenda Dutra Scr 15+ (GP)

New Arrival from Brazil

JANUARY 24,2024

Minas Gerais is the largest of the three major Brazilian growing regions with six micro-regions, which account for 50 percent of Brazil’s production. From this volume of coffee, we landed on a special treat traceable to a single estate in the Matas de Minas region, which is known for its rolling hills and uneven terrain lending to farms that are small to medium in size. Dutra Family started planting coffee in the region over 50 years ago and has grown the estate to nearly 2,500 acres with 10 distinct farms where coffee cherry from 3 million coffee trees is harvested by hand by more than 600 seasonal workers. While this estate seems big, it is actually relatively small to medium by Brazilian standards, which has allowed the Dutra family to focus on specialty grade, fully traceable lots for direct trade relationships. But we don’t want to downplay the big things happening at Fazenda Dutra, which includes a passion for sustainability. Solar energy is big at this fazenda where all of the depulpers run on solar power and the mechanical dryers are next on the agenda for this clean energy conversion. The estate also boasts near 750 acres of native forest to protect water sources and create natural barriers to protect the coffee trees from wind and erosion. The Dutra family also takes their role as employer very seriously with big investments in a school located at the estate and a health care program for employees and their families.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Brazil

  • REGION I Brazil

  • VARIETAL I Catuai, Mundo Novo

  • TASTING NOTES I Dark Chocolate, Walnut & Dried Fruit

  • ALTITUDE | 600 to 1300 meters

  • PROCESS |  Natural, Patio Drying

  • HARVEST | June - September

  • LOT | 1192

We proudly offer Organic Brazil Natural Fazenda Dutra Scr 15+ (GP) in the following products:

Organic Cuba Mia Decaf - Espresso
Sale Price:$7.15 Original Price:$8.95

Organic Timor Royal Select SWP FAIR TRADE

New Arrival from Timor

JANUARY 23, 2024

The Cooperativa Cafe Timor (CCT) works with very small farms in East Timor; most land owners own less than a hectare of land. The CCT was established in 1994 with the help of the USDA and NCBA. and in 2001, the cooperative obtained Fair Trade certification. The farms are located in Maubesse, an area of high altitude and a sub-district in the Ainaro district; Atsabe, in the Ermera district; the Lequisa district; and the Aifu region. The coffee from East Timor was originally planted over 400 years ago by Portuguese colonists. However, after an epidemic of coffee leaf rust, the replanting of plants occurred and led to the creation of a new coffee varietal of Hibrido de Timor.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Timor

  • REGION I Timor

  • VARIETY | Cauwery, Kents

  • TASTING NOTES I Creamy & Dark Chocolate

  • ALTITUDE |  1600 to 1600 meters

  • PROCESS | Decaf, Patio Drying

  • HARVEST | April - September

  • LOT | 1191

 We proudly offer Organic Timor Royal Select SWP FAIR TRADE in the following products:


Organic Honduras-Royal Reserva Natural MWP Fair Trade

New Arrival from Honduras

JANUARY 23,2024

In the year 2000, 62 Honduran coffee farmers joined together with a common goal to transform their farms from conventional to organic production and formed COMSA (Cafe Organico Marcala, S.A). In 2001, fostered by a foundation called Funder, COMSA earned their organic certification from Bio Latina which has enabled them to market their coffee to more international buyers and realize better selling prices for their coffee. In February 2006, COMSA then applied for and was granted Fair Trade certification status. COMSA uses the Fair Trade price premium to fund many social projects including paying teachers’ salaries and purchasing school supplies. The premium also finances the construction of kitchens in the schools in support of the Merienda Escolar program that provides meals for school children. Royal Coffee New York is proud to support COMSA by purchasing their excellent quality, organic and Fair Trade certified coffee.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Honduras

  • REGION I La Paz, Honduras

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Typica, Catuai, Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Blackberry, Cocoa, Orange & Strawberry

  • ALTITUDE |  1220 to 1524 meters

  • PROCESS | Natural, Raised Beds

  • HARVEST | December - April

  • LOT | 1189

We proudly offer Royal NY COMSA - Royal Reserval Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Organic Cuba Mia Decaf - Espresso
Sale Price:$7.15 Original Price:$8.95

Organic Brazil Natural Fazenda Dutra Scr 15+ (GP)

New Arrival from Brazil

DECEMBER 5, 2023

Minas Gerais is the largest of the three major Brazilian growing regions with six micro-regions, which account for 50 percent of Brazil’s production. From this volume of coffee, we landed on a special treat traceable to a single estate in the Matas de Minas region, which is known for its rolling hills and uneven terrain lending to farms that are small to medium in size. Dutra Family started planting coffee in the region over 50 years ago and has grown the estate to nearly 2,500 acres with 10 distinct farms where coffee cherry from 3 million coffee trees is harvested by hand by more than 600 seasonal workers. While this estate seems big, it is actually relatively small to medium by Brazilian standards, which has allowed the Dutra family to focus on specialty grade, fully traceable lots for direct trade relationships. But we don’t want to downplay the big things happening at Fazenda Dutra, which includes a passion for sustainability. Solar energy is big at this fazenda where all of the depulpers run on solar power and the mechanical dryers are next on the agenda for this clean energy conversion. The estate also boasts near 750 acres of native forest to protect water sources and create natural barriers to protect the coffee trees from wind and erosion. The Dutra family also takes their role as employer very seriously with big investments in a school located at the estate and a health care program for employees and their families.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Brazil

  • REGION I Brazil

  • VARIETAL I Catuai, Mundo Novo

  • TASTING NOTES I Dark Chocolate, Walnut & Dried Fruit

  • ALTITUDE | 600 to 1300 meters

  • PROCESS |  Natural, Patio Drying

  • HARVEST | June - September

  • LOT | 1188

We proudly offer Organic Brazil Natural Fazenda Dutra Scr 15+ (GP) in the following products:

Organic Cuba Mia Decaf - Espresso
Sale Price:$7.15 Original Price:$8.95

Organic Guatemala SHB ASPROGUATE Fair Trade

New Arrival from Guatemala

DECEMBER 2, 2023

GUATEMALA ORGANIC ASPROGUATE SHB EP is sourced from family owned farms organized around Asociación Sostenible de Productores de Guatemala (ASPROGUATE), located within the municipality of San Pedro Carchá in the department of Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. There are 42 members of ASPROGUATE in the community of Seacal who produce coffee on farms that average 5 acres in size. ASPROGUATE provides technical assistance for organic certification and the production of high quality coffee. Members of the community are currently using coffee premiums to build a three room preschool in Seacal.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Guatemala

  • REGION I Cobán, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Cooked plum, roasted nut, cocoa powder

  • ALTITUDE | 1260 meters

  • PROCESS |  Fully washed and dried in the sun

  • HARVEST | November - April

  • LOT | 1187

    We proudly offer Guatemala Org SHB EP Fancy San Marcos Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Organic Guatemala SHB Huehuetenango ASOBAGRI-Cafe de Mujeres

New Arrival from Guatemala

DECEMBER 2, 2023

While many are familiar with Huehuetenango and the reputation of their specialty coffee, few have ventured to this isolated corner of Guatemala. We are proud to feature this Fair Trade certified coffee from Asociación Barillense de Agricultores (ASOBAGRI). The rugged terrain of the area has preserved the indigenous heritage, distinct clothing, and dialects that can vary from one mountain ridge to the next. ASOBAGRI has become an important bridge for these local coffee farmers to the international specialty coffee community. This cooperative is one of the most sophisticated and well organized in the world. They have over 1,400 members, spread across 80 communities, who cultivate and harvest their own coffee on small farms with their own micro-mills. ASOBAGRI is also committed to promoting gender equality throughout the organization.

This lot called Café de Mujeres (Las Dueñas Café) is the culmination of an integrated program for 182 female members of ASOBAGRI. The program includes 5 women technicians providing training and technical support that is appropriately tailored to the needs of the members. Strategies like using coffee pulp to make organic fertilizers reduces the transportation costs associated with purchasing fertilizer from afar and creates an abundant source of plant nutrition that ensures better yields and quality. Income diversification investments in chicken farms, avocado trees and local cafeteria have also strengthened the options for women members.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Guatemala

  • REGION I Huehuetenango, Guatemala

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Notes of orange, brown sugar, red apple

  • ALTITUDE | 1400-1650 masl

  • PROCESS |  Fully washed and dried in the sun

  • HARVEST | February - April

  • LOT | 1186

We proudly offer Organic Guatemala SHB Huehuetenango ASOBAGRI-Cafe de Mujeres in the following products:

Organic Guatemala SHB Huehuetenango ASOBAGRI - FAIRTRADE ( E )

New Arrival from Guatemala

DECEMBER 2, 2023

ASOBAGRI, or the Association Barillense de Agricultores was founded in 1989 by 20 Mayan coffee and cardamom farmers. The members of ASOBAGRI are from approximately 30 small villages in the Huehuetenango region, surrounded by the Cuchumantanes mountains and the Maxbal Forest Reserve. This coffee is grown under guava, plantain, and banana trees. ASOBAGRI promotes sustainable agriculture by training its farmers in organic production methods, investment in infrastructure, and operating their own warehouses and drying patios.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Guatemala

  • REGION I Huehuetenango, Guatemala

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Caramel, Cherry & Tangerine

  • ALTITUDE | 1650 to 1650 meters

  • PROCESS |  Fully Washed, Patio Drying

  • HARVEST | December - May

  • LOT | 1185

We proudly offer Organic Guatemala SHB Huehuetenango ASOBAGRI - FAIR TRADE (E) in the following products:

India Organic Robusta Cherry AA SPOT RCWHSE

New Arrival from India

DECEMBER 1, 2023

India Cherry Robusta 17 Screen is sourced from family owned farms located within the Sakleshpu and Coorg districts in the state of Karnataka, India. Coffee is cultivated on the eastern slopes of the Western Ghats mountain range, a UNESCO World Heritage Site and one of the most biologically diverse places in the world with more than 5000 species of flowering plants and 508 different species of birds. Many of the farms have been in operation for nearly one-hundred years, passed down through the family from one generation to the next.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | India

  • REGION I Sakleshpur and Coorg Districts, Karnataca, India

  • VARIETY | CxR, Robusta Peridinia, and S.274

  • TASTING NOTES I Sweet grain, nutty, fresh cocoa, cleany

  • ALTITUDE | 1200 - 1350 meters

  • PROCESS | Full natural and dried in the sun and mechanical driers

  • HARVEST | December – March

  • LOT | 1184

We proudly offer India Organic Robusta Cherry AA SPOT RCWHSE in the following products:


Decaf MWP Org Mexico 80+ Cup

New Arrival from Mexico

NOVEMBER 29, 2023

Decaffeinated with a clean and chemical-free Mountain Water Process, this organic coffee from Mexico offers complex savory and sweet notes that are both nuanced and easily crowd-pleasing. With low acidity with an above-average body, this all-around decaf is our new favorite. We feature this coffee in our Decaf Lungo Mexico Single Origin Capsules for Nespresso Original machines.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Mexico

  • REGION I Chiapas, Mexico, Central America

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Caturra, Mundo Novo, Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Red Apple, Caramel, Brown Sugar

  • ALTITUDE | 900 to 1500 meters

  • PROCESS |  Mountain Water Process

  • LOT | 1183

We proudly offer Organic Decaf Mexico Royal Select MWP - Fair Trade in the following products:


Colombia Organic Excelso EP fancy - Lohas 84+Cup

New Arrival from Columbia

NOVEMBER 29,2023

Colombia Excelso comes from small family-owned farms in the Colombian “coffee triangle.” The main harvest is between October and January, and the “mitaca” harvest is between April and June. Small coffee producers pick and process their coffee at their own micro-wet mills and then dry their own coffee, typically on elevated tables inside solar dryers that provide protection from the rain.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Columbia

  • REGION I Columbia

  • VARIETAL I Caturra, Colombia, Typica, Castillo

  • TASTING NOTES I Brown Sugar, Milk Chocolate & Orange

  • ALTITUDE | 1300 to 1650 meters

  • PROCESS | Fully Washed, Vertical Dryers

  • HARVEST | October - January

  • LOT | 1182

We proudly offer Colombia Organic Excelso EP fancy - Lohas 84+Cup in the following products:


Organic Guatemala SHB Huehuetenango ASOBAGRI - FAIR TRADE (E)

New Arrival from Guatemala

NOVEMBER 10, 2023

ASOBAGRI, or the Association Barillense de Agricultores was founded in 1989 by 20 Mayan coffee and cardamom farmers. The members of ASOBAGRI are from approximately 30 small villages in the Huehuetenango region, surrounded by the Cuchumantanes mountains and the Maxbal Forest Reserve. This coffee is grown under guava, plantain, and banana trees. ASOBAGRI promotes sustainable agriculture by training its farmers in organic production methods, investment in infrastructure, and operating their own warehouses and drying patios.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Guatemala

  • REGION I Huehuetenango, Guatemala

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Caturra

  • TASTING NOTES I Caramel, Cherry & Tangerine

  • ALTITUDE | 1650 to 1650 meters

  • PROCESS |  Fully Washed, Patio Drying

  • HARVEST | December - May

  • LOT | 1181

We proudly offer Organic Guatemala SHB Huehuetenango ASOBAGRI - FAIR TRADE (E) in the following products:

Organic Sumatra Aceh Ketiara FAIR TRADE

New Arrival from Indonesia

OCTOBER 6,2023

The Koperasi Pedagang Kopi Ketiara is a women-run cooperative that has over 890 grower-members. The Ketiara Cooperative was started in 2008 by Ibu Rahmah, the current chairwoman, who had operated and managed her family’s coffee business for 20 years-purchasing cherries, processing the green, and selling to local traders. The passion and commitment of the women managers to have all members working together in support of coffee production has enabled Ketiara to expand and become an important supplier to larger coffee traders in Medan, the capital of North Sumatra. The cooperative members voted to become Organic and Fair Trade certified in 2012, making a commitment to use these proceeds to create programs for health, education, and public infrastructure projects that will benefit all coop members.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Indonesia

  • REGION I Takengon/Gayo/Aceh, Sumatra

  • VARIETAL I Adsenia,Bourbon,Typica,Ateng

  • TASTING NOTES I Notes of bakers chocolate, cedar, vanilla and molasses - roasted at full medium

  • ALTITUDE | 1220 to 1524 meters

  • PROCESS |  Wet Hulled, Patio sun dried

  • HARVEST | October - August

  • LOT | 1179

We proudly offer Aceh Ketiara Sumatra Indonesia Coffee Organic Fair Trade in the following products:


Organic Timor Fair Trade (E) (Cooperativa Haburas Kafe Organiku)

New Arrival from Timor

OCTOBER 6, 2023

Located in Timor, towns Aileu, Ermera, and Liquica are home to 2,172 farmers who are all part of Cooperativa Haburas Kafe Organiku. Each farm averages a bit over a hectare of land each, with an altitude of 1,000-1,400 meters above sea level. This co-op was started with a culmination of farmers under a Technical Assistance grant project which was funded by Asia Development Bank. 4200 farmers were organized into groups and trained for three years on topics such as pre- and post-harvest practices, nursery management, gender sensitivity, financial literacy, among others. This was organized under the hopes that this cooperative—which is both fair trade and organic certified--would support rehabilitation, rejuvenation, and quality improvements as time went on. The dedicated, well trained, motivated farmers truly make this coffee special as they work hard to make significant improvements in quality and quantity in the upcoming years.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Timor

  • REGION I Timor

  • VARIETY | Hibrido de Timor

  • TASTING NOTES I Cedar, Dark Choco & Nutmeg

  • ALTITUDE |  1000 to 1400 meters

  • PROCESS | Fully Washed

  • HARVEST | May - October

  • LOT | 1178

 We proudly offer Organic Timor Fair Trade (E) (Cooperativa Haburas Kafe Organiku) in the following products:


Decaf SWP Org Peru Decaf SWP Peru

New Arrival from Peru

OCTOBER 3,2023

Cooperativa de Servicios Multiples Sol y Café Ltda (Coop Sol y Café) was established in March of 2008 to unite over 1,000 farmers, including rice and cacao producers. The coop was originally formed to collectively make agronomic and economic decisions and expanded their goals to include protecting the environment and helping communities and their families to develop and progress. They continue to work towards the sustainability of their crops and development for the future by maintaining the Organic and Fair Trade certifications.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Peru

  • REGION I Peru

  • VARIETAL I Catimor, Catuai, Pache, Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Creamy dark chocolate & Cashew

  • ALTITUDE | 900 to 2000 meters

  • PROCESS |  Decaf, Patio and solar dried machine

  • HARVEST | May - November

  • LOT | 1177

We proudly offer Peru Organic Coffee in the following products:


India Organic Robusta Cherry AA

New Arrival from India

SEPTEMBER 29, 2023

Cherry Robusta coffee from India is one of the world’s great Robustas. Most countries consider Robusta as the poor relation of the coffee family. However in India they apply the same care to the cultivation, harvest and processing of Robusta coffee as they do to Arabica. In fact, Robusta production in India is almost double that of Arabica. All high-quality, natural or dry-processed Robusta and Arabica coffees in India are known as Cherry. This is not to be confused with the cherry fruit on the coffee tree! Cherry A indicates it is one of the highest grades of Indian coffee.

Generally roasted robusta beans produce a strong, full-bodied coffee with a distinctive earthy flavour. There may be more bitterness than Arabica. However, some coffee drinkers love the powerful flavour for its strength and finish. Moreover, Cherry Robusta is important in traditional Italian coffee culture, especially for espresso blends. Some baristas also claim that Cherry Robusta gives a better foam or crema on the coffee.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | India

  • REGION I Wayanad, Kerala, India

  • VARIETY | Robusta

  • TASTING NOTES I Almond, Caramel & Cherry

  • ALTITUDE | 900 - 1650 meters

  • PROCESS | Full natural and dried in the sun and mechanical driers

  • HARVEST | December – March

  • LOT | 1176

We proudly offer Cherry AA Robusta India Organic Fair Trade in the following products:

Organic Cuba Mia Decaf - Espresso
Sale Price:$7.15 Original Price:$8.95

Organic Brazil Natural Fazenda Dutra Scr 15+ (GP)

New Arrival from Brazil


Minas Gerais is the largest of the three major Brazilian growing regions with six micro-regions, which account for 50 percent of Brazil’s production. From this volume of coffee, we landed on a special treat traceable to a single estate in the Matas de Minas region, which is known for its rolling hills and uneven terrain lending to farms that are small to medium in size. Dutra Family started planting coffee in the region over 50 years ago and has grown the estate to nearly 2,500 acres with 10 distinct farms where coffee cherry from 3 million coffee trees is harvested by hand by more than 600 seasonal workers. While this estate seems big, it is actually relatively small to medium by Brazilian standards, which has allowed the Dutra family to focus on specialty grade, fully traceable lots for direct trade relationships. But we don’t want to downplay the big things happening at Fazenda Dutra, which includes a passion for sustainability. Solar energy is big at this fazenda where all of the depulpers run on solar power and the mechanical dryers are next on the agenda for this clean energy conversion. The estate also boasts near 750 acres of native forest to protect water sources and create natural barriers to protect the coffee trees from wind and erosion. The Dutra family also takes their role as employer very seriously with big investments in a school located at the estate and a health care program for employees and their families.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Brazil

  • REGION I Brazil

  • VARIETAL I Catuai, Mundo Novo

  • TASTING NOTES I Dark Chocolate, Walnut & Dried Fruit

  • ALTITUDE | 600 to 1300 meters

  • PROCESS |  Natural, Patio Drying

  • HARVEST | June - September

  • LOT | 1175

We proudly offer Organic Brazil Natural Fazenda Dutra Scr 15+ (GP) in the following products:

Organic Cuba Mia Decaf - Espresso
Sale Price:$7.15 Original Price:$8.95

Decaf MWP Org Veracruz Mexico

New Arrival from Mexico

SEPTEMBER 11, 2023

The Mountain Water Process for decaf green coffee beans is trademarked to the Descamex facility in Mexico. As a popular natural method for decaffeination, the Mountain Water Process uses pure water as an extraction solution, separating the caffeine compounds from the unroasted green coffee. Mountain Water decaf process green coffee is entirely chemical-free, which means the decaffeination process can preserve flavor with minor alternation to the coffee's original sensory profile. This lot of Veracruz green coffee beans were washed processed before undergoing decaffeination at the Descamex facility and are a combination of Typica, Bourbon, and Caturra varietals commonly grown in Mexico.

Veracruz is the second-largest coffee-producing state in Mexico. The port city, located on the southeastern coast along the Gulf of Mexico, which was nicknamed the "capital of coffee," was the gateway for coffee to disseminate throughout the country after the first plants arrived in Mexico in the 18th century. With an elevations of 700-1,400masl and a warm, semi-humid climate with average rainfall of 2,141mm of rain annually, Veracruz is well-suited for Arabica coffee production. Coffee growers in Mexico are primarily smallholders, with 70% of the industry made up of producers with less than 10 hectares of land.


  • CERTIFICATIONS | Fair Trade - 100% USDA Organic

  • LOCATION | Mexico

  • REGION I Vera Cruz

  • VARIETAL I Bourbon, Caturra, Mundo Novo, Typica

  • TASTING NOTES I Milk Chocolate, Nougat, Stone Fruit, Cane Sugar

  • ALTITUDE | 1000 - 1800 meters

  • PROCESS |  Mountain Water Process

  • LOT | 1174

We proudly offer Decaf MWP Org Veracruz Mexico in the following products: